Tuesday 8 February 2011

It's over, finished, done!

My latest project, that is. My novel The Unexpected Serendipity On Novelsite. It's a weird feeling. When I spoke to my friend earlier, I said, I don't know what to do tonight. For the past seven months, my answer has always been: writing. Now, I will have to find a different 'hobby'. But lucky me, there are still some short stories to write for my collection part two.

However, I can't believe it took me so long to write it. There were days when I didn't want to write at all, but then I got this itch to continue, felt guilty when I didn't write at least a paragraph. It was a challenge and despite from often being hard to write, I loved it nevertheless. I've received wonderful critiques from my beta-readers and after a few days break, I'll start with the major edit/rewrite in parts before sending it out to agents/publishers.

Next, I'll be co-authoring a young adult book, which I'm really looking forward to. We did some outlining a while ago and I can see it going really well. Something light and funny, before I go ahead with the next serious manuscript. 

For now, I'll celebrate the finishing of my beloved novel.

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